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Bathroom cabinet

Which Toilet Do Plumbers Recommend?

If you’re in the market for a new toilet and want to select one that is designed for plumbing health in Canada, this guide will provide the information you need to know before buying. The question that is most asked is “which toilets flush the best”? After reading this, you will have enough toilet “know-how” to shop with confidence. You will still want to check in with your plumbing service beforehand, as they may have additional insights about your specific needs.

According to Consumer Reports there are three primary areas to consider before even thinking about which features you want to include: performance, water-saving, and toilet size.

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(416) 651-2990


How well does it flush? What happens if your child throws an item in the toilet that is too small to retrieve, but large enough to cause performance issues. Will the toilet still flush? Will you have to call a plumbing company to come out to fix it? The best toilets are able to handle the worst clogs.


There is a common concern that water-saving toilets do not use enough water to perform properly.  Yes, they are designed to achieve the same clean bowl as the older models, which are considered to be the biggest water wasters in homes. Low-flow toilets use around 1.6 gallons per flush versus their older counterparts, which use up to 7 gallons per flush.

Toilet Sizes

Buying the right size toilet for the allotted space is just as important as performance and water-saving abilities. It sounds like an obvious checkpoint, yet many toilet shoppers assume all toilet sizes are the same. Toilet height is also important. The higher the toilet, the easier it is to get on and off, with the exception of small children. According to Toilet Guides, manufacturers are making “toilets more compact while retaining space and comfort”.

Toilet Flushing Mechanisms

The two main types of toilet flushing mechanisms are gravity-feed and pressure-assisted toilets. Pressure-assisted toilets flush by using a combination of water and pressurized air. Typically, there is a compression tank inside of the water tank which helps create more force. Gravity toilets use gravity to force the water and waste down into the trapway and then to the sewer pipes. Gravity toilets are easier to repair, and pressure-assisted is more powerful.

One- or Two-Piece Toilets

Most homes have one-piece toilet models possibly because they fit into smaller bathrooms more easily. But both designs have pros and cons that will make your decision easier to make:

  • Generally, one-piece toilets are smaller than two-piece models.
  • Although plumbers don’t have a preference in terms of installation, one-piece models are easier to install in smaller bathrooms.
  • One-piece models are easier to clean as they are lower and have fewer cubbyholes.
  • Two-piece models are often less expensive than one-piece models. The one-piece models have everything contained within their ceramic housing.
  • One-piece models are more durable because they are self-contained and most of the pipes and flushing elements are not exposed to the outside elements, such as moisture.

Dual-Flush vs. Single-Flush

Dual-flush technology has been used in several countries for decades, as water conservation and old plumbing have been important. Manufacturers in Canada are currently producing more dual-flush toilets as they are becoming the latest trend.

Single-lever flush systems that are water-savers have an average flush rate at  1.28 gallons per flush (gpf). Dual-flush models use 1.6 gpf for the full flush yet it seems they average around the same overall water usage as single-flush models. So it boils down to personal preference.

Other Considerations

While we have taken you through the most important issues in toilet-buying, there are features that may or may not be important to you and your family. Talking with a professional plumber will provide even more information based on their experiences. Here are a few talking points:

Bowl Shape: The most common toilet bowl shapes are round-front, elongated, and compact elongated (oval). Also available are the concealed trapway, the exposed trapway, and the skirted trapway. Most people have a preference, so consider what you have versus what you might want.

Noise Level: Not many people think about this in advance, but plumbers can tell you which brands and models are more silent than others. Water-savers tend to be on the top of the list as they are fast and furious – the flush is over in seconds.

Water Supply Line: Flexible supply lines are excellent because they are easy to move as needed and installation is simple. The fittings are made to screw onto the valve and tank, and the hook up can be as simple as it sounds. They come in plastic and stainless steel; the latter costs a bit more but is worth its longevity.

Touchless Flushing: Everyone has experienced touchless flushing in public places such as restaurants and airports. Most people don’t realize that they can upgrade their existing toilet or purchase their new toilet with this feature. Unlike the motion sensor on public commodes, the home models require the user to hold a hand over the tank for it to flush. If you love gadgets and technology, this optional feature might be for you.


teamNew Canadian Drain & Plumbing Can Help

There is a lot to consider when buying any new appliance and toilets are no different. We would love to help you select and install the best toilet for your needs!  We are always on the leading edge of the plumbing industry which includes using the most efficient and effective techniques and equipment. Call #416-651-2990 or click here to get a free estimate today!

Emergency plumbing services are available 24//7.