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Frozen Pipe

6 Amazing Tips to Keep Your Pipes from Freezing

During extreme weather conditions, pipes have a high likelihood of freezing. Freezing in pipes create a lot of the pressure in the pipes due to the anomalous expansion of water. If you live in Ontario, you have probably experienced this and need solutions how you can stop the pipes from freezing. Freezing can cause the pipes to burst hence posing a significant security threat when it causes flooding. The critical point to keep in mind is that you have to keep the pipes warm. Here are some tips you might incorporate to ensure your pipes don’t freeze. 

1. Keep The Heat On

Keeping the heating on is the surest and safest way to keep your pipes from freezing, especially when you are leaving. It might sound a bit expensive, but you must leave the heater on. Setting a suitable temperature for your home will be vital in ensuring the pipes don’t freeze.

2. Allow the Faucet to Drip

Allowing the faucet some space to breathe and drip is often an overlooked idea. If you are afraid that your pipes might start freezing anytime, opening the facet and letting it drip regulates your pipelines. This is because once opened, it releases some internal pressure inside, which would otherwise build up and cause the frozen pipes.

3. Keep the Interior Doors Open

Most homeowners tend to keep every internal door locked. You might be one of them, but this is only adding more risk to your pipes than doing any good. Since most of the pipes are located inside the cabinets, when the temperature drops to extremely low temperature, open the doors. In so doing, you ensure that heat circulates freely in your house.

4. Seal Up Cracks and Holes

If your water pipes pass beneath the walls and floors, make sure you seal any holes that might be present on the top. The holes tend to let in cold air to pass through, and once the cold air gets to the pipes, it cools the water. If possible, make sure you fully seal the holes to ensure cold air does not get to the pipes and cause damage.

5. Apply Heating Tape

The heating tapes act like some sort of blanket to your pipes, ensuring the pipes don’t like ‘feel’ the cold. Applying the heat tape will be the right solution since they will supply heat directly to the pipes beneath. You can use an advanced heating tape that has an inbuilt thermostat and heats the pipes when temperatures fall.

6. Add Extra Insulation

Adding your pipes extra insulation ensures that the temperature is always reasonable and your pipes do not succumb to low temperatures. You can add basements or attics to decrease the chances of freezing. You can consult a professional plumbing company to do the additional installation from you.

For more information on freezing pipes, or any plumbing related issue, feel free to contact New Canadian Drain & Plumbing; expert plumbers in Toronto; and we will be more than willing to help.